Massage Therapy in Joshua Tree, CA

Sol Massage

Welcome to Sol Massage, your sanctuary to slow down, rest, and reconnect with yourself.

Make your well-being a priority today!

At Sol Massage, we believe in the interconnectedness of your entire being - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Our approach to healing is comprehensive and intuitive, combining therapeutic massage techniques to release physical tension with the balancing effects of Reiki to nurture relaxation, bring balance to your body, and uplift your spirit.

Our tranquil spa, nestled in the serene landscape of Joshua Tree, provides a peaceful escape from the stresses of modern life - a place where you can find solace and rejuvenation.

Whether you choose to visit us at Naturalives Day Spa or opt for the convenience of mobile massage, Sol Massage offers you a safe and supportive environment for your holistic healing journey. Experience the transformative effects of an intuitive healing massage and embark on a path toward total well-being.

Our Services >

Meet Lucy

Expert Massage Therapist in Joshua Tree

Graduated from the Center for Massage and Natural Health, NC

Lucy is a Licensed Trauma-informed Massage Therapist and dedicated Reiki Practitioner (CA License #92446) committed to creating a safe, nurturing space where you can unwind, relax, and reconnect your mind with your body.

About Lucy >

Massage Services & Rates

All massages integrate Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial, and Reiki techniques based on what your body needs. 

60 minute integrative massage $150

90 minute integrative massage $200

120 minute integrative massage $250

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What Clients are Saying…

"Lucy is an ember of bodily truth. From our first session, I could feel my body convey information to her. Telling her my somatic story. She makes space for this story by listening intuitively and in doing so my body became more at home with itself, with its environment. Each meeting with her, whether reiki or massage, is a journey of expansion. I've learned through Lucy, not by absorbing her knowledge, but as a byproduct of being around a deep listener whose reverence for the body overflows to me and all the neglected somatic experiences I have. Being uncomfortable in our bodies is a result of living in this world and Lucy has assisted me in finding what I call somatic anchors. Places that I can build my own knowledge from. Places that I can rest and expand in, and for this I recommend her to my closest family."

- Jenelle A.

“I feel truly lucky to have found Lucy. After one session with her, I knew she would need to be part of my regular self-care routine and healing journey. My emotions definitely get stored in my body, and Lucy has an intuitive way of finding where they are hiding and releasing them. Her blend of reiki and countless massage modalities makes her able to truly cater to every ache my physical and energetic body has. Most importantly I feel genuinely safe and cared for in her practice, and always leave feeling more relaxed and centered. I confidently recommend her to all my friends because she is simply magic!”

- Dalia


Joshua Tree, CA

Offering mobile massages in the High Desert, as well as, services at Naturalives Day Spa in Joshua Tree, CA!

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